Hmm...... I'm not sure how to describe this game.... Now I've got it!
Throw a droid off an elevator! Or murder Jedi Younglings. I'm not sure that's what most people would exactly call attractive, but you'll have to do it. Throw your lightsaber and then retrieve it. Jump 20 or 30 feet into the air. Do ridiculous combos that look great. Murder Mace Windu! Cut off Anakin's limbs! Regardless of how ridiculous all that sounds, this is one of the best games I've ever played.
Good Things
This game might not be what you could call deep, but it's extremely fun. I have never gotten more pleasure in a video game than I have in this one by using force lightning on droids. I know it sounds cruel, but if you've seen the Star Wars films, you'll be amused by just thinking about it. This game has some awesome looking combos that aren't extremely hard to remember, plus, even the basic ones look cool. This game makes a level out of every small event in the movie, which gives you 17 levels. One thing that makes this game extremely fun and challenging is secrets. There are at least 2 secrets in all levels but 2. It can take forever to find some of them.
Bad Things
Bad things....... Well, you are forced to use the force all through the game. And you might not want younger people to see Anakin lose his limbs, or see him murder Jedi upon Jedi, but the violence is really not that bad. There isn't a drop of blood in the entire game, and whenever you hit something or someone, all that happens is a flash is seen on them. As for profanity, I never heard any. There weren't any drugs or alcohol either. Overalll I highly recommend the game. 9/10 stars.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Fight the Ringwraiths! Defend Helm's Deep! Fight alongside Haldir! Or kill orcs in Moria! It's all in this game! This game was developed in 2002 by Stormfront Studios and Hypnos Entertainment.
Good Things
While video games never have the good things in them that movies do, they do have other good things! This game had good sound effects, voicing, and best of all, it was well developed. This game is the best hack-and-slash/beat-'em-up game that I have played. It is a bit more realistic than other games I've played.
The only thing about this game I can think of is Gandalf's magic. I award the game 8.5/10 stars.
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
What are you feeling like today? Feel like blasting a Lego droid's head off? How about engaging in a duel with Count Dooku? Or better yet, why not be Count Dooku and duel with Darth Vader? Or, how about being Kit Fisto, and fighting Mace Windu? Why not be Jango Fett and have your revenge on Mace Windu? Well, you can do all of that in this one game. Fight at the battle of Geonosis as Count Dooku, killing your own men! Or, you could fight Darth Maul on Naboo! This game is packed with endless fun. This game was the thirteenth best selling game of 2005.
Good Things
There are so many things to say about this game, it's hard to know where to start. I'll start by saying that there's no language, alcohol or drug use. Also, there is no violence whatsoever as everything is made with Legos. Some levels in this game will keep you thinking for a long time as to how you can pass them. It is a very challenging game in some respects.
Bad Things
There are only a few things wrong with this game. For one, there is one costume that is not completely modest. Namely, Padme's. There's only one other thing wrong with this game. The force (I'll spell it in low letters to show that I don't respect something that doesn't exist) has to be used quite a bit, however, it is nothing strenuous like it was in the movie. It's just a simple moving of the hand. Overall, I must recommend this game. I award the game 10/10 stars.
Star Wars: Battlefront
Race through the desert sands of Tatooine! Or shoot through the ruins of Yavin 4 on a speeder bike! Mow down your enemies with a blaster rifle! Fly through the air with a jetpack, and blast enemies with your pistol while in the air! This game gives you three options: Instant Action, Galactic Conquest, and Campaign mode.
Good Things
Star Wars: Battlefront has awesome game play, and I agree with the person that said about it: "This is the game we've all been waiting for." This game has some in-depth game play, and it's hard to stop playing it! It has three modes, and all are incredibly fun. You are given certain weapons at the beginning, and you can't pick any dead enemy's up. The game is incredibly challenging, and all modes are played in a Capture the Flag way. You are given one or two bases, and one way you can defeat the enemy is by taking all their bases. The other is to kill all their men. This game is very complicated, but it's worth learning. I have never heard any language, and there is no drug or alcohol use. I have never seen any immodest costumes either. (There aren't any girls in the game, and the guys always have their shirts on, along with everything else that would be appropriate). Average reception was 8.2 out of 10.
Bad Things
There are only a few problems with this game. One thing I don't like is you can't be the heroes. That's the only thing I don't like about the game play. The only other thing is: there is some mentioning of the Force in it. The violence is really nothing to be worried about, in my opinion. There is no blood at all. Besides, most of the time, you'll be shooting droids, clones, or stormtroopers. When you shoot someone, there is a spark that appears for a split-second on them. When you throw a grenade, whoever it was thrown at flies through the air. It's not exactly very violent. As a matter of fact, I think it's funny. Other people, however, may have a different opinion. With that being said, I highly recommend this game! I award the game 9.5/10 stars.
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth
From gigantic walls to massive castles to thundering horses, this is a fun game. Pick your faction and crush the Resistance, or trample the evil Uruk-hai to death with the Rohirrim! This is a real-time strategy game released in 2004 for the PC. Pick and be heroes from the movie such as Gimli, Aragorn, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Faramir, Boromir, Gandalf, Lurtz, Sauruman, Gollum, or even the Witch-king! Or be all of the heroes on one faction's side at one time!
Good Things
This game is very intense! It got a Teen rating, which is not specified on the picture above. The game play might not be deep, but it's fun! This game gives each hero certain abilities. Aragorn can summon the army of the dead, or heal nearby heroes with athelas. Legolas can do a hawk strike, which consists of him shooting a certain enemy with two magical arrows in one shot. Gimli can do a special jump attack, which squishes all enemies in his path. Some heroes, such as Faramir, can send select soldiers up a rank, making their skill in fighting more advanced. This game does not force you to be a hero. You are basically the emperor of the faction. You choose what buildings to build with the building foundations you are given. You are given ten soldiers to start out with. Good guys get ten, bad guys get nine. If you build farms, they give you resources, which powers your empire. Soldiers cost money, and so do your heroes. If your heroes die, you can bring them back to life. You start out with one castle, and if you want more, you must conquer your enemy's. In addition to Skirmish mode, you can also do a good and evil campaign. In the good campaign, you are given the job defending such places as Helm's Deep, and Minas Tirith. In the evil campaign, you are given such tasks as cutting the elves forest to bits, and smashing Edoras and then the rest of Rohan. This is a very nice game, and sometimes yesterday's game, and why you weren't winning when you saved it will have you thinking for days. This game has no language that I've ever heard, unless you consider: "Get to work, you scum!" bad language. It has no drug or alcohol use, and all the girls' costumes are modest. The reception was quite good, receiving an average 8 out of 10 review.
Bad Things
This game has only a few problems. First of all, you might consider Gandalf's magic offensive, however, he does not have to be bought by you, thus he does not automatically do magic. He usually does not do magic unless you tell him to. The only thing he does by himself is, once in a while, he will equip himself with a forcefield for a few seconds, and once every year, he'll do something else automatically. And, when he strikes anything, a little bit of lightning stuff comes out of his sword. Secondly, the game play is not as advanced as it could be, but it is hardly noticeable once you get into it. Overall, this game is quite advanced, although not as much as it could be, and I highly recommend it! I award the game 9/10 stars.